We are a company that, for more than 22 years, has been oriented not only to financial results, but also to non-financial results, including the impact that our business has on civil society and the ways in which we can contribute, in order to ensure that the community we are part of has a chance to a better life.
Our long-term objective is to become a sustainable company that paves the way for future generations.
In 2022, Green Net invested over 730,000 lei in projects protecting disadvantaged children, Ukrainian refugees, helping the development of performance athletes and animal rescue.
In addition to our long-standing partnership with Salvati Copiii, we have established new partnerships with Hopeless Animal Hospital, Federatia Romana de Canotaj, Asociatia Clubului Cainilor Utilitari, Fundatia Colectia Familiei Regale a Romaniei, Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului, Serviciul Iezuitilor pentru refugiatii din Romania and others.
By associating ourselves with these projects, we choose to show that we care and actively involve ourselves in civic efforts with long-term impact.
We are proud of what we have achieved and we encourage you to adopt a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, oriented towards the needs of those around you and the environment.
We are well aware of the impact our business has over environment and we take responsibility.
Our sustainability policy is based on the legislative framework in force, we selectively collect and recycle plastics, cardboard, metal, glass, etc.
In order to limit the carbon footprint and CO2 emissions, our distribution routes are periodically optimized, limiting to maximum the transports that are not mandatory.
We also align ourselves with our partners’ sustainability policies and support them in their efforts to limit pollution sources.
We want to have a positive impact among Beautik Haute Parfumerie customers as well.
That is why we strongly encourage them not to improperly dispose of perfumes or recipients they buy from us.
We are ardent supporters of equal opportunities and gender rights. Our internal policies provide a framework with equal opportunities, regardless of position, religion, sexual orientation, education, etc. In addition, violence, bribery or any other forms of corruption are not acceptable for Green Net.
We focus our entire activity around social responsibility and sustainability.
We choose to show that we care and are actively involved in projects with a long-term impact.
The future of children is an important pillar of our social responsibility policy. Over the years, together with Save the Children, we have initiated multiple projects aiming to protect the future of children and their chance to education. Save the Children’s projects, supported by Green Net, have resulted in the integration of over 42,000 children into the education system and the prevention of early school abandon.
Together with the friends from the Utility Dog Association, we participated to “Terapeut cu codita” project, which provided assisted therapy by specially trained dogs for children with Down syndrome.
We care about the community we belong to and we want to live in a clean world.
We promise that our initiatives will not stop here, because sustainability is part of our life and business.